9 Rules About Stand Mixers Meant To Be Broken


Stand mixers can be expensive pieces of kitchen equipment, so if you have made the
Leap of buying one of those devices, then you will need to know how to use them to their
Best advantage.
Woodworking, and that means you will need to go through the mixer slowly at first, building up your
Confidence so that when you first have to use the mixer to cook, you know what to do
And are able to handle the mixing and mixing safely and securely. It's best at this
Stage to begin with a pre-prepared mix, preferably a cake or other dessert. These are
Usually simple to make and don't demand much blending before they are ready to use.
They also don't need a lot of added ingredients, so you can feel confident about your
Start out slow
The first steps to using a stand mixer require starting out slow.
Begin at the fastest speed, and with a heavy bread dough, but this is likely to go wrong
A few simple
Steps can allow you to learn how to handle this device:
Start up removing all of the equipment from inside the bowl of the mixer.
Packaged for delivery to your home, the blades, spare utensils and even the owner's
Manual will be put within the bowl for safe-keeping.
There is nothing dangerous left inside when you start the motor.
Put the two large whisks into the ports on the bottom of the 'head' of your mixer. The
Blades should be facing down and hanging in the bowl without touching the bottom.
You need to do this before turning on the machine. If the
Recipe calls for you to add water slowly, leave the water from the mixture until the time is
Plug the mixer into the socket, and then close the lid of the bowl.
Begin with a slow spin, and listen to the
mixer turning. If you need to add water, do so by turning up the hinged part of the lid, and
pouring water from a jug. Allow the mixer to run for a Couple of minutes, until You're

Switch off the whisk, and lift up the lid.
Scrape the mixture away from the sides of the bowl, allowing it to fall back to the bottom.

Add the necessary ingredients in order to
Even out your dough, and then turn the whisk on again at a slow speed. Whisk slowly until
The dough is at the right consistency.
Lift up the whisk, and slowly spin the blades at the lowest speed possible. This should allow
Any dough which is left on the blades to spin in the bowl, leaving the blades
Removing any moisture that could cling to the edges of the whisk.
Turn off the stand mixer at the wall, and remove the plug from the socket. Leave the bowl
and the mixer to cool down.
Take out the dough, and put it into a tin. Set the tin into an oven, pre-heated at the
temperature recommended by your recipe.
While the dough is cooking, clean the bowl and the whisks.
Dry the cleaned items, and wipe down the rest of the mixer. Put it away for next time.
If you are not satisfied with the results of this first attempt, keep practicing until you
know the perfect consistency and temperature for your mixture. When You are
Comfortable with this, you can begin making your own mixes, and boost the speed of
the whisks.
Mistakes that new users make
Everyone makes mistakes when they first use their stand mixer. This can be simple
errors, such as not following the manufacturer's manual when starting out, to allowing
the beater to touch the bowl's bottom edge. There are also more dangerous errors,
Such as scraping the mix when it is being beaten. This may damage the whisks, but it
could also catch fingers or your hand, and cause you injury. A simple mistake which is
harmless in itself, but could cause long-term damage to the blender is to not spin the
Beaters once you've finished your mix. Raising the beaters slightly and spinning them
Over the bowl will help to clear off mixture on the whisks and ensure they're not
Carrying moisture when you have finished using the mixer.


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